Monday, December 04, 2006

Babelian wedding

Este finde estuve en Madrid en una boda babilónica, allí cada uno hablaba distinto idioma pero todos se entendían. Yo me dediqué a comer, beber y ladrar guarfff.

This weekend I was in Madrid in a babelian wedding, where each one was speaking in a different language but everyone could understand each other. I just ate, drank and barked.

En el autobús desde la Iglesia al banquete:
From the church to the dinner by bus:
Con los novios:
With the bride and groom:Comiendo como un perro:
Eating like a dog:
Guarfff, pero mira que guapo que estoy.
Guarfff, I'm so handsome here.
Al final hasta me subí a la chepa de mi antiguo amo y le dije: Libertad para Drempy!
At the end I jump over my former master and I told him: Freedom for Drempy!

Monday, November 20, 2006


Hi all!
Hola a todos!

Days ago I decided to go and meet my old friend the Maya Bee. Woof!! I just booked the flight with Air-Can to Can-cun, and straight to the Riviera Maya. Woof!! Viva Viva Mexicooo!! Viva the tequila, the daikiris and the sun!! Wooofff!
El otro dia decidi ir a buscar a mi amiga la abeja Maya. Guarff! Asi que pille el vuelo de Air-Can a Can-cun, y de alli a la Riviera Maya. Guraff!!! Viva Mexicooo!! Viva el tequila los daikiris y el sol!! Guarff!

I love this place! What a life! Hummock, sun, caribbean beach, and coktails. What the bones I was with L4L before? I am happy I escaped, to live lots of adventures!! Auuu, au, auuuuu!!!
Como me gusta esto! Esto es vida! Hamaca, sol, playita caribegna, y cocktails. Que huesos hacia con los L4L antes? Menos mal que me escape, para vivir aventuras! Auuu, au, auuuuu!!!

There I made some friends.... I asked the native girl iguana of Tulum about the Maya Bee, but she only tried to hit on me! Woofff!! She was freaked by the color of my fur.. she asked wheter I was coming from the North!!!
Alli hice amigos... pregunte por la abeja a la segnorita iguana nativa de Tulum, pero solo me tiro los trastos!! Guarff! Ella alucino con el color de mi pelaje! Me pregunto si venia del norte. Guarfff!

Finally she told me to go to Chichen Itza. There, I was taken by mistake for Kukul-can, the feathered serpent, therefore I had to stand for the photogaphs. Wooff!! I was caressed by all girl-tourists around! Woooffff!
Al final me dijo que estaba en Chichen Itza. Alli me confundieron con Kukul-can, la serpiente emplumada, asi que tuve que posar para los fotografos. Guarfff!!! Me acariciaban todas las turistas!! Guarff!!

I made a friend, a very charming serpent called Kukulcan. UFF!! Good she didn't realized i was impersonating her ....
Me hice amigo de una serpiente muy carignosa que me dijo se llamaba Kukulkan. UfFF!! si se llega a enterar que me habia hecho pasar por ella...

We agreed to play the Pelota Game!!! Woofff! I tried to use the learnings that the wise Drempels taught me... Here you can see me in an excepcional dexterouds move I learnt from master Roberto.

Decidimos jugar un partido de Pelota!!! Guarrfff!!! Intente practicar lo que los sabios Drempels me habian ensegnado... Aqui se me ve en un movimiento escepcional de agilidad que aprendi del maestro Roberto.

After these teachings, I just whipped Kukulcan, and defeated her! But I had been so fool, tough, to say yes to the game! I didn't know that in the Pelota Game the winning captain gets his head chopped off!!! By my whiskers!! I had to hide in the Thousand Colummn Room.

Siguiendo estos consejos, pude vapulear a Kukulkan, y gane! En mala hora habia dicho que si a jugar, ya que no sabia que en el Juego de la Pelota maya cortan la cabeza al capitan ganador!!!!Por mis bigotes!!! Me escondi en la sala de las mil columnas

But the plumed serpent finally discovered me... I almost end up swalloed in his stomach!! Woofff!! I had to flee by legs and feet and hoof.
Pero la serpiente al final me encontro... casi me come!!! Guarff. Tuve que salir por patas y pezugnas.

Like Lara Croft, I slipped through the ruins into the night.
Como Lara Croft me escabulli entre las ruinas.

Well!! Finally I didn't find my friend Maya Bee. But I had a great time! That's all folks from MEXICO!!!
Bueno!! Al final no encontre a mi amiga la Abeja Maya. Ahora, me lo pase como un chiguagua, guarff!! Eso es todo amigos canes desde MEXICO!!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

YouTube-Things gone horribly wrong series #2

click the picture to see the link

Hola a todos, ...
Hi all, ...

Adivinad donde guarfff he estado esta vez!! Me pase por tierras andaluzas... uhmmm!!! Guarfff, que bien, como me gustan los olivares granadinos...

Guess where woofff I was!! I hung around andalusia... uhmmmm!!!
Woofff, it was great, I love olive tree fields in Granada...

Hasta la proxima !! Guarff!!

See you!!! Woofff!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lunchy in Zurich

Hi folks!!

After been in Austria, I decided to visit Switzerland, and what city can be better for a High Standard Dog as me than Zurich??

I had some troubles when I tried to park my car, lots of BMWs… I was afraid because my pretty Maserati could suffer damages.

But I stopped some thieves with my strength and jumps

After this little inconvenience, I went for a walk, close to the lake.

This Swiss had strange watches.

I continued my ride and I saw an angel. The teen was wearing a nice t-shirt and “belt-skirt”, I think that my neck hurts me since that day…

I propose the girl to go for a walk, but I felt that I needed something more… just in case…

When the girl knew my intentions… She left me!!!!! I was really fallen in love with her!!!

I could find an old friend call Drempy, and we had a good time!!!
(Well maybe he enjoyed more than me…)

What can be better than a raclette to recover from exercise??

Next day I visited a famous (in Switzerland) rain falls. I was walking when, suddenly, a man, with an orange T-shirt and speaking Spanish, caught me and tried to throw me down to the river!!!

Will Lunchy be able to survive?? Will the orange T-shirt man be punished??

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Our hero will follow very soon the steps of others like Laika and will become soon part of the new space exploration.

Lunchy will join the Cosmodogs training program in Perrokistan. But before that happens Lunchy took some days to go on tourism in Vienna. Since it arrived there, It didn't care a lot about expenses and, for instance, it went on a journey in a horse cart around the old center...

but after a while it was completely moneyless so it had to perform in the street in order to get some cash for dinner.

Lunchy got enough money to enjoy some frankfurter, wiener schnitzel and some Sturm and new weiß Wein.

After a while it was completely full and drunk and couldn't dance anymore.

Next day, it could not visit the city because of the headache but anyway, it was a nice trip. Next stop: Zurich.

Friday, October 20, 2006

YouTube-Things gone horribly wrong series #1

click the picture to see the link

What happened at Sorrento

I got friendly with the Sorrento mascot
(he lives in the take-away part of the restaurant)

Just as we were getting acquainted, he got friendly with meThen the owner caught us and this is why he was angry.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sorrento beating

I was a naughty dog.. so the owner of Sorrento beat me.. hard.

It still hurts.
Next week you find out why he beat me.

Friday, October 13, 2006

ESTEC visit

Hi all!!
I am Lunchy again. Guaurrf. And I visited ESTEC today. It was a wonderful day...

I visted the test faciilities.. guarrf. I had to put a hat on for the hairs... and very cool shocks!

I cleaned my paws in the carpet. Strange one...

After that, I had a coffee, guarrfff!

I even cralwed on top of the ISS!

Best moment anyway was having a nap in a comfortable chair, with a nice blanket... uhmmmm!! That was best !! See you! Guarff

Friday, October 06, 2006

Adventures going GREAT!

Pregunta para los de L4Lunch:

Quién se lo pasará mejor esta noche? Vosotros perdiendo el partido o yo en Amsterdam?

Disfrutad vuestro partido!!!


Question for the L4Lunchers:

Who will be having more fun tonight? You losing your match or me in Amsterdam?

Enjoy your game


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hola amig@s!

Lo primero, NOS OS PRECUPEIS!! Estoy bien. Estaba harto de estar guardado en una bolsa de deportes maloliente y solo salir para veros perder vuestro partido cada semana. Por eso decidi irme por unos dias.

First, DON'T PANIC. I am OK. I was tired of being in a smellly sport bag. I only was taken out to watch you guys lose games every week. So I decided to go away for a few days.
